Estate Law

Draft Trusts

Trusting Us to Help You Protect Your Assets

Creating a Revocable Trust

A revocable or “living” trust is a commonly used alternative to a will. A revocable trust is an entity that you create while you are alive to hold your property subject to your instructions.

Upon your death, the trust (rather than the state) controls the administration of the trust assets. You'll be able to avoid publicity and potentially speed up the administration process.

For some individuals, they offer additional advantages over wills, including increased tax planning ability, and potentially smoother transitioning during incapacity. They are, however, more costly to set up.

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Call us at 410-497-5947 or fill out our contact form to speak to our estate law team and begin to understand how creating a revocable trust might help you.

Special Needs Trusts

If your loved one has special needs or a disability, you may wish to consider setting up a special needs trust for his or her benefit. The guidelines for a special needs trust are unique, and should be prepared by an experienced estate attorney.

Are you concerned that by providing for a loved one with special needs through inheritance when you pass away, they may lose supplemental government benefits or health insurance? Let us work with you to make sure this doesn't happen.

A properly drafted special needs trust can provide an individual who relies on government benefits with resources that they need, without risking a loss of benefits.


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