Employee Retention Credit

ERC Success Stories


Retail Store


This Maryland consignment shop had been thriving for over 20 years until the Covid pandemic hit. This business is a national organization with over 400 stores in the U.S. and Canada, specializing in reselling gently used consigned items.


While the U.S. economy officially ‘recovered’ in quarter two of 2021 many businesses, including this consignment shop faced a decline in their revenue compared to their 2019 earnings. Additionally, when the new variant of Covid spread throughout the U.S. in quarter four of 2021, this consignment store encountered a decline in revenue once more.

The store faced a decline in revenue in both quarters two and four of 2021.  The pandemics’ impact on consumerism, especially brick and mortar stores, has continued to leave its mark. Shoppers are wary to shop in-stores and online shopping can prove to be expensive.


Received an employee retention credit of $57,419.95


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Successful ERC Claims Received by Clients

Our ERC team was excited to help this Maryland consignment shop. Our experienced tax attorneys, CPAs, and financial professionals examine the intricacies of each case, especially when it comes to percentages of gross receipts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I appeal the disallowance of my ERC refund claim?
How can I expedite my ERC refund?
What is Letter 6612?

What is the ERC credit?

The ERC is a refundable tax credit for employers--introduced early in the COVID-19 pandemic to help employers keep their employees on payroll.

How do I claim employee retention credit for 2021?

The Employee Retention Credit is claimed on a business's quarterly IRS payroll tax returns, based on wages paid to its employee during periods of the pandemic that the business experienced a suspension in operations or a significant decline in revenue.

Can I still claim employee retention credit for 2020?

Yes! The Employee Retention Credit can be claimed on an amended quarterly payroll tax return up to three years from the due date of the original return.

How long does it take to receive employee retention credit refund?

Because of their ongoing pandemic-related backlog, the IRS is currently taking between 8-9 months to process Employment Retention Credit claims.

How do I apply for ERC credit?

How do I apply for ERC credit? There are three steps.
1) Determine the business's eligibility.
2) Calculate the Qualified Wages paid by the business.
3) Claim the ERC on the business's amended quarterly payroll tax returns.

For purposes of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), are large and small employers treated differently?

Yes. Small eligible employers can include wages paid to all employees (even including part-time employees).  Large eligible employers can only include those wages paid to employees for not providing services.

How do I determine whether an employer is a large or small employer?

Per the CARES Act, whether a business is a large or small employer depends on whether “the average number of full-time employees employed during 2019 exceeded the applicable threshold amount.”

What’s a “full-time employee” in the context of the ERC?

It is an employee who, with respect to any 2019 calendar month, worked either and average of at least 30 hours per week or
130 hours per month.

Does the term “full-time employee” include “full-time equivalent employees”?

No. The IRS clarified that matter when it issued Notice 2021-49, stating:

“For purposes of determining whether an eligible employer is a large eligible employer or a small eligible employer, eligible employers are not required to include full-time equivalents when determining the average number of full-time employees.”

What is the applicable threshold amount and how does it apply?

• The applicable threshold amount for the 2020 ERC is 100 or fewer full-time employees (as counted in 2019).
• The applicable threshold amount for the 2021 ERC is 500 or fewer full-time employees (as counted in 2019).
• For the 2020 ERC, a “small employer” is an employer that had an average of 100 or fewer full-time employees (as counted in 2019). Exceeding that amount results in large employer classification.
• For the 2021 ERC, a “small employer” is an employer that had an average of 500 or fewer full-time employees (as counted in 2019). Exceeding that amount results in large employer classification.

At the risk of sounding redundant . . . do I count part-time employees?

NO. Read QAs #2-#5 and count only as instructed therein.