Assisting Individuals and Small Businesses with Significant Tax Debts in IRS Collections

August 11, 2021


Build your confidence and learn how to assist clients with the most complex tax debts!

Eli Noff, Esq., CPA in partnership with [Maryland Association of CPAs will discuss tools and tactics that can be used when dealing with significant tax debts matters. They will teach you how to strategically defend clients in matters such as:

- IRS Liens
- Bank and third-party levies
- Passport Revocation
- Garnishments of accounts receivable
- Assertion of Trust Fund Recovery Penalties (Pre- & Post- Assessment Balance Considerations)
- Threats of Injunctions and business closure – In business repeaters or pyramiding (i.e., growing 941 balances)

Earn CPE credit and reinforce your knowledge on these matters, join us on August 11 at 3 PM!