AFWA Death & Taxes Webinar

January 19, 2021


What happens when someone dies and has not filed tax returns? What if the person who dies owes money to the IRS? This program will provide an overview of the IRS’s ability to recover from different types of assets, and assets with joint owners. It will also include a review of the responsibilities and potential for liability for fiduciaries and heirs, and possible ways to reduce outstanding balances.

Time: 6 pm - 7 pm

Learning Objectives and Program Content: At the end of this session, participants will have:

  • Acquired an understanding of the IRS’s collection statute expiration date
  • Picked up rules and duties that apply to fiduciaries regarding income tax
  • Gained an understanding of the different collection rules regarding different types of assets that are held prior to someone’s death and once someone passes.  
  • Achieve ability to issue spot regarding possible transferee liability

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Recommended Field of Study: Taxes - Technical

Instructional Delivery Method: Group Internet Based

Recommended CPE Credits: 1 credit hour

***Plan to come early for AFWA DC Chapter Social Connections from 5:30-6pm. ***