Bankruptcy Law

Is Debt Controlling Your Life?

One conversation may be all it takes to take control of your situation.

If you are struggling to regain your financial footing while creditors become more aggressive asking for collections, bankruptcy may be the best option forward for debt relief. This applies to individuals and business owners, whether you own an S Corp, LLC, or sole proprietorship.

Bankruptcy does not always mean liquidating all your assets — you can find your fresh start in a variety of ways with several different debt relief options to consider that could allow to keep your home, your car, your business, and any number of other assets. Talk to our bankruptcy professionals today and learn more about getting the fresh start you deserve.

Who will help you?

Meet Dan Staeven, Esq.

Dan and his team of bankruptcy professionals want to secure the best outcome for your financial situation. Not only is he knowledgeable about the laws, rules, and requirements of bankruptcy for businesses and individuals, but he also has the experience to guide you through all the other personal and professional challenges needed for a fresh start.

Get in touch with the bankruptcy team at Frost Law for a confidential consultation. You provide the facts and we’ll provide details about the best ways forward to keep as many assets as possible.

How it Works

Take The Steps Towards Financial Freedom

Dan and the bankruptcy professionals at Frost Law can help you take your first step towards freedom from struggling with your finances. They can untangle your financial situation through sound legal advice, taking control of creditor issues, and guiding you towards a fresh start.

Understand Your Options

The first step is always the hardest. Learning what options are available when it comes to filing for bankruptcy. Once you take that first step towards understanding that bankruptcy can be a solution vs. a problem, you can find the right attorney for your situation.

Find Your Fresh Start

Filing for bankruptcy is one of many options for dealing with credit card debt, tax debt, business debt, and other liabilities you may need help with. We can tailor a bankruptcy case filing for your specific situation. Learn how others got their fresh start and what makes sense for you.

Talk To A Qualified Professional

Begin the process with a free confidential consultation with one of our attorneys, who are well-versed in bankruptcy options, tax debt, and planning your relief options. Consultations typically occur the same day of inquiry, as a timely response is what you can expect when working with a licensed attorney experienced in bankruptcy options.

You Have Options

Understanding Your Options for Debt Relief

You always have options when working with a bankruptcy attorney. Learn more about which type of bankruptcy might help you find the best relief plan. You can also contact our team today to explore your situation and help you determine which option makes sense for you.

Chapter 7

One of the most common types of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 allows you to liquidate your assets in order to pay back your debts. In some cases, you may not have to liquidate your assets and you may be able to keep everything you have and just discharge your debt.


Chapter 11

Chapter 11 bankruptcy can give businesses and individuals a chance to “reorganize” their debts and may allow businesses to continue operations.


Chapter 11 Subchapter V

The small business or personal bankruptcy provides businesses and individuals with a simplified and cost-effective way to reorganize their finances. There are special qualifications to file this particular chapter in bankruptcy and you can find out during your consultation if this process will work for you.


Chapter 13

Chapter 13 bankruptcy can give individuals a chance to repay their debts over a 3-5 year period and may save properties from foreclosure. This type of bankruptcy may also allow a restructuring of your debt to pay more important debt first (like taxes) and unsecured creditors (like credit cards) after the taxes.

Who will help you?

More Bankruptcy Resources on YouTube

Watch our "Let's Talk Bankruptcy" series with Dan Staeven, Esq. to learn how he approaches bankruptcy options and what may be best for you.

In June 2021, attorney Daniel Staeven started to help my wife and me with a complex case in the Montgomery County District Court. The case was about squatters (previous owners) who were engaged in fraudulent acts in order to continue to reside at the property my wife and I purchased directly from the bank. If we did not have good representation, the squatters were probably going to still remain at our home. My wife and I are very thrilled for the service that Daniel Staeven provided. It was a long and bumpy road. Nonetheless, our objective was met by kicking the squatters out of our property. Thanks again, Dan.

- Jacques F.
I am Kathy H., an attorney liaison who works on Surplus Funds matters nationwide. I am writing this review to express my sincere appreciation for the extreme professionalism and diligence of Frost Law - specifically the Annapolis, MD location. I especially want to express my respect for Attorney Daniel Staeven of Frost Law. He most certainly deserves a 5-Star review. He has worked with me directly on multiple Surplus Funds matters and he has been flawless in every situation. He has also gone above and beyond to provide the most excellent service possible. I would recommend Attorney Staeven and Frost Law without question."

- Kathy H.
Frost Tax law was an incredible team to work with. Dan Staeven was quick to respond and had just the right amount of empathy for my personal situation. I highly recommend Frost and especially Dan Staeven to any and all who find themselves in need of this type of support.

- William G.

Get in Touch Today

If you would like help filing for personal or business bankruptcy, you can call us at (410) 497-5947 or fill out our contact form. Let our team at Frost Law help you start living a debt-free life

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Frequently asked questions

Read some of the commonly asked questions from other individuals and business owners that we have helped with a fresh financial start through bankruptcy, tax controversy solutions, and other options.

What is bankruptcy and how does it work?

Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding that helps a person or business who is unable to pay their debts by eliminating or reorganizing the debts. Depending on the type of bankruptcy, and the ruling of the filing, and other considerations, debtors may have an opportunity to get a clean slate when it comes to their financial obligations, or the opportunity to repay the debts in a more affordable fashion. While getting a discharge on debts may seem like a favorable escape from a financial problem, it’s important to consult with a tax professional who can help determine if bankruptcy is right for your situation.

What are the consquences of filing for bankruptcy?

Each situation is different and it depends on the goals of your bankruptcy plan, along with the assets you have and want to keep. But generally, debtors who have filed for bankruptcy may still be responsible for some tax liens, personal injury debts, as well as alimony and child support. The total effect on your credit varies from case to case.

What is the debt limit for Subchapter V bankruptcy?

To be eligible for a Subchapter V bankruptcy, the debtor must have a combined total secured and unsecured debt of less than $7,500,000, and not less than 50% of which arose from the commercial or business activities of the debtor. This debt ceiling of $7.5 million is part of a COVID-relief act that will remain in effect until June 21, 2024.